AI News - August 28, 2023


💌 Welcome to Our AI Weekly Roundup! 💌

We're excited to bring you this week's roundup of the most fascinating AI news, updates, and breakthroughs! Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, sit back, and explore the incredible world of AI with us.

🔥 Top AI Stories of the Week

  1. Code Llama released. New coding LLM’s based on Llama 2. Output rivals GPT-4. [Link] [Link]

  2. OpenCopilot, an open source framework for making your own coding copilots is released. [Link]

  3. Youtube and Universal Music launch AI incubator to incorporate AI into music creation while still protecting copyrights. [Link]

  4. OpenAI releases new features for GPT-3.5 Turbo, including the ability to fine tune it with your own data. GPT-4 fine tuning on the horizon. [Link]

  5. partners with Nvidia to double the speed of their Stable Diffusion platform with Nvidia’s performance optimization framework, TensorRT. [Link]

  6. Bletchley Park, former home of WW2 code breakers hosts an AI Security Summit. [Link]

  7. ChatGPT shows limitations when designing cancer treatment plans for users. [Link]

  8. Avey, a medical self-diagnosing AI tool reaches ninety three percent accuracy, eclipsing human diagnosticians who come in at 85 per cent. [Link]

  9. San Francisco based startup ElevenLabs announces new model that can generate your voice in over thirty different languages. [Link]

  10. How the adult video industry is using AI to generate content. (Warning: this link is somewhat obviously not safe for work.) [Link]

  11. Spain launches first of its kind regulatory agency in the EU focusing specifically on A.I. [Link]

  12. Possible lawsuit being brought by New York Times against OpenAI for training models on copyrighted content. [Link]

  13. New AI powered brain-computer interfaces vastly improve paralyzed people’s ability to communicate. [Link]