AI News - Monday, August 14, 2023


💌 Welcome to Our AI Weekly Roundup! 💌

We're excited to bring you this week's roundup of the most fascinating AI news, updates, and breakthroughs! Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, sit back, and explore the incredible world of AI with us.

🔥 Top AI Stories of the Week

  1. Increasing use of ChatGPT observed at the workplace, even if companies don’t know or permit its use. [Link]

  2. Jupyter Labs bringing AI to its notebooks. [Link]

  3. OpenAI launches GPTBot. A web crawler designed to train models on the latest information. [Link] [Link]

  4. Midjourney announces hardware cluster upgrades for improved performance. [Link]

  5. Disney Corporation launches AI task force to investigate how to apply AI across the industry. [Link]

  6. Google working with airline industry to mitigate climate change from jets. [Link]

  7. 75 per cent of companies world wide are considering or implementing a ban on ChatGPT. [Link]

  8. Study shows that Large Language Models can learn how to use tools simply by reading the documentation. [Link]

  9. Anthropic releases Claude Instant 1.2. The new version offers improvement in coding and math skills. [Link]

  10. DARPA announces their new AI cyberchallenge to find and fix software vulnerabilities and to protect against cyberattack. [Link]

  11. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) moves to regulate AI-generated deepfakes in political advertisement. [Link]

  12. New Zealand based supermarket Pak ‘n’ Save creates an AI powered app Saveypak, to generate meal plans from user entered ingredients. This didn’t go as planned. [Link]

  13. University of California, San Diego researchers showcase a newly discovered ceramic material that can mimic the human brain. [Link]

  14. It isn’t just actors and writers affected by AI. Stuntmen and Stuntwomen also lost work to AI. [Link]

  15. AI is both exasperating fraud and helping to combat it. [Link] [Link]