AI News - May 7, 2023


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We're excited to bring you this week's roundup of the most fascinating AI news, updates, and breakthroughs! Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, sit back, and explore the incredible world of AI with us.

🔥 Top AI Stories of the Week

  1. The “Godfather of AI” Geoff Hinton leaves Google… warning of an “AI Apocalypse”. [Link]

  2. IBM to pause hiring of nearly 8000 jobs to see if they can be replaced with AI. [Link]

  3. “We have no moat” Google engineer warns that closed source AI models are a dead end. [Link]

  4. CEO’s of OpenAI and Google meet with U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris to discuss safety and privacy issues around AI. [Link]

  5. Unnamed Fortune 500 company finds large productivity increase after incorporating AI into their customer service, according to a study conducted by economists at MIT. [Link]

  6. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) releases a guide to facilitate the adoption of AI Technology. [Link]

  7. Abu Dhabi based company G42 to launch multiple GPT platforms for the Arabic world. [Link]

  8. European Parliament reaches first draft of the Artificial Intelligence Act to regular AI. [Link]

  9. AI Technological advances are front and center in Tech company earnings calls. [Link]

  10. AI supercharges the Blockchain Advances in Smart Contract creation. [Link]

  11. U.S based Writers Guild strikes, partly due to fears of AI replacing writers. [Link]

  12. A new “Minority Report” scenario? Using AI to predict crime. [Link] [Link]

  13. Loopholes in U.S. sanction regulations focusing on China not slowing AI development in the region. [Link]

  14. Will text to video generation doom Hollywood Studios? [Link]

  15. Ex google employees raise 54 million USD for new startup Esssential AI. Essential AI aims to build softwae and tools to allow large enterprises to use LLMs. [Link]

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